Happy May Day

The May Day holiday(International Workers Day) originated in Europe in 1891 as a day of remembrance and was introduced in China in 1918.Shortly after the establishment of the PRC in 1949,May Day was designated as a national holiday. In 2000May Day became a "Golden Week," created bythe Chinese government to increase demand in the domestic market. People would celebrate it by taking a week off from work to travel. In 2007May Day was downsized to a three-day holiday to make way for other traditional celebrations.

Luoyang EFINT Precision Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is on holiday during the May 1st National Day. Thanks to all employees for their dedication and hard work in the past work. As an enterprise specializing in the manufacture of precision crossed roller bearings and turntable bearings, Luoyang EFANT has always been committed to improving product quality and production efficiency, and actively promoting enterprise upgrading and development.

In the past year, the company's sales have achieved steady growth, and it has been highly appraised and trusted by customers. In order to thank employees for their dedication and hard work, the company arranged a series of employee welfare activities during the May Day holiday, including corporate culture promotion, night barbecue, team building, etc. These activities not only enrich the lives of employees, but also enhance the cohesion and affection among the teams.

In the future development, Luoyang EFANT company will, as always, insist on making customers successful, continuously improve product quality and service level, and provide customers with better products and services. At the same time, the company will continue to pay attention to the life and welfare of employees, create a more relaxed and comfortable working environment, and create a better future for employees.

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